Friday 30 November 2012

Thursday 29 November 2012

Wednesday 14 November 2012



For a place/country and such as Yemen too, that has traditionally attempted to make itself distinct, and from not only the rest of the Middle East and Africa too, is to first of all, only truly associate it with the Horn of Africa, and as based around a similar Coffee drinking culture in both places, Yemen and the Horn of Africa that is, but in many a way too, to let known to many a Yemeni that, where in all Yemen does meet the Middle East has nothing much to do with Islam, but in all ways even, with just how to go along defining the Mainstream that is {that it is with the Mainstream, where Yemen does meet the rest of the Middle East, and with the end result being huge even, Class stratifications, and as the Mainstream in all, does speak of holding Opinions and on just about anything too, and with the very world of Opinions, and in the Middle East, very much under the very mandate in all, and of Religious Clerical groups that is}{and with Yemen, believed said one of the most freest of places, and in the Middle East too, and as with regards to harsh treatment of any kind that is}.

In all for Yemen, is to recommend Euro-Pop {or Popular European Music, and as emanating only from the United Kingdom and Ireland too}, in helping Yemenis, develop popular mainstream ideas  in all, and that are in the very least too, in alignment, and with Worldly Opinions in all again, and of anything out there too that is. At the very least Euro-Pop too, to help Yemen distance itself and from oppressive backward Religious groups in Yemen or the Middle East too, and as reminding one that, this is all about fomenting and creating Opinions in all, and on anything too, having to do, and with Yemen that is.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

New Masters of Poster Design



New Masters of Poster Design: Poster Design for the Next Century by John Foster.

Tuesday 11 September 2012



The State of Yemen:

What they do refer to as the State of Yemen, does differ in most ways even, and from the State too, and as seen in the rest of the Middle East actually. For while the State in Saudi Arabia in all, is pretty much Arab, that in the rest of the Middle East, is pretty much Islamic, and with the exception in all again, and of Yemen too that is.

The History of Italy, can in some ways be romantically perceived even, and from the perspective too, of base Materiality that is. For unknown to most, Europe in itself, was born of Italy, and one of the best ways to recognize this is the very fact that, the European State in all, could very well be defined, and by a Wine Drinking culture too, and as emanating from Italy too that is. You also do have America and Italy, bonded together in State, and by a culture too, truly based around the eating of Breads & Confectioneries actually, and with many even falsely believing that, Croissants for instance, to be truly French, when they were in many a way even, Italian and American too actually. You do have also Italy and China, once friends in many a way, and by State too, and as based around Mercantile Trade in itself, and as very much having to do, and with Italy's and China's Textile Industries that is. Finally, Italy and the Arab world, very much sharing a companionship in all, and in State too, and as with the Arab world even, borrowing examples and in Architectural Design too, and from Italy that is: and as with this even, referring in all, and to the History of Iraq in itself actually.

Yemen though, has never been truly a part of the Middle East and as with regards truly even, to the State, and as with the State in Yemen too, heavily in all again, based around a Coffee drinking culture, and similar in all, and to one too, very much seen throughout the History of Abyssinia that is: Ethiopia, Kenya & Somalia, and as with it all even, a History based around Social ties and of all kinds too, and as with the befriending even perhaps, and of a perfect stranger in all, and all this as based around a Coffee drinking culture too {and as with reminding one that, the culture of drinking Coffee in the Middle East, has always been Yemeni and Solomonic, and not Arab either, and as with the Arabs in the Middle East, taken to drinking Tea that is}.

In all, Yemen as very much a part of the History of Abyssinia in all, and as with regards truly even, to the State too, and as with it even, speaking in all, and of Coffee drinking cultures in all again, and as seen throughout the History of Abyssinia and Yemen too that is {and as with furtherly adding that, this is very much a largely unexplored area of life, and as with referring in all again, to just how Wine drinking in all, or Bread eating cultures too, have truly come even, to strongly define life, and in both Europe and America too, and as with furtherly adding that, Coffee drinking cultures and in Abyssinia and in the past too, never did truly develop a high standing Material culture in itself, and as similar in all again, and to that seen in Europe and America for instance, and as based around Wine drinking and Bread eating in themselves actually, and all this said respectively too that is}.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Commentary: The Daily Bookworm

Commentary: The Daily Bookworm.

Many might falsely possibly perceive that, the whole goal of the Yemeni Bookworm, and as a Blog or Booklist too, is to very well add onto, the Recreational lifestyles, and of Yemeni's too that is. This is not true. The main reason for the Yemeni Bookworm in all, and as Blog too, has very much to do with the very fact that, living in Yemen today, and alongside the rest of the Middle East too, is actually, highly Institutional in its ways. What this does mean is that, before one can very well even, perform the very act and of driving a Car for instance, one in all again, very much has to seek out the Keys for it, and from an authoritative figure or two that is. In all ways, the Yemeni Bookworm seeks to defeat such mentalities in all, highly Institutional even, and by presenting the very view and to Yemenis too that, life in all ways even, can be truly lived, and as based around a basic idea too. That in all, any of the Books mentioned in this Blog, can be the very source too, and of a general idea or two, that in many ways even, can very well lead, and to something much greater even, and than one did possibly perceive that is. And with all this and in many a way too, speaking of Yemenis in all, creating a variety of lifestyles too, and from the individual and to the group, from city to country, or even from the secular perhaps, and to the highly religious too. In all ways even, this way of living, the very belief that, a basic or general idea in all, can very well lead to larger things, is truly believed in all again, to be actually true or real, and for Yemen at the very least too that is.



Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.



Resilience by Andrew Zolli.

Enslaved by Ducks


Enslaved by Ducks by Bob Tarte.

When We Were The Kennedy's


When We Were The Kennedy's by Monica Wood.



Integrity by Dr. Henry Cloud.

Friday 13 July 2012

Sometimes the Magic Works


Sometimes the Magic Works by Terry Brooks.

The Hare with Amber Eyes


The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal.

Sanford Meisner on Acting


Sanford Meisner on Acting by Sanford Meisner & Dennis Longwell.

The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty


The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty by Dan Ariely.



Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

Vanished Kingdoms


Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies.

The Warm of Other Suns


The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson.

The Power of Habit


The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

The Bone Gatherers


The Bone Gatherers by Nicola Denzey.

Dialogues and Essays


Dialogues and Essays by Seneca.

Wednesday 11 July 2012



Jerusalem by Cecelia Holland.

Art for God's Sake


Art for God's Sake by Philip Graham Ryken.

The Bookworm

The Kenyan Bookworm.

Living in Kenya to say the least, does carry with it a promise, that most today, do often associate, and with the movies too. The very belief that, one in all, can find a rather interesting book, one marvelous even and such that, on reading it, many an idea popping into ones head, and one in many ways truly even, realizing of course, they can very well be made real, and rather easily too perhaps. In many ways, thats how life in the Book-centric Kenya, has often been lived out and as with the further belief even that, the greatest Book of them all, is the Qu'ran: and as with those even, fully understanding or Realizing it truly perhaps, coming up then, with too many a marvelous idea in all, and on how even, to live life grandly too, and as with the present moment too actually. In all, the purpose of this very Blog, is the very belief that, issues of Time and Money and in the Kenya too, do in many ways even, come down to the very issue of just which Book in all, one is using, and on thinking in all again, and on a solving problem too for instance: that those with the best written Books in all, and with ample Examples too, and even many a Problem to solve, do in all ways even, win in life, and in the Kenya too actually. 

In all ways even, it is believed that (and as with working even, and from an Islamic Mindset too), that this Blog in all, will carry in it, many a Book title, and that those in Kenya too, can truly use even, to make their lives much better, and as with speaking even, and of the present moment too: and as with the further belief too that, the Blogger in all 'Belini the Mouro' that is, is more acquainted and knowledgeable in all too really, and of the world of Books too, and than the average Kenyan in all again, truly is.