Saturday 4 August 2012

Commentary: The Daily Bookworm

Commentary: The Daily Bookworm.

Many might falsely possibly perceive that, the whole goal of the Yemeni Bookworm, and as a Blog or Booklist too, is to very well add onto, the Recreational lifestyles, and of Yemeni's too that is. This is not true. The main reason for the Yemeni Bookworm in all, and as Blog too, has very much to do with the very fact that, living in Yemen today, and alongside the rest of the Middle East too, is actually, highly Institutional in its ways. What this does mean is that, before one can very well even, perform the very act and of driving a Car for instance, one in all again, very much has to seek out the Keys for it, and from an authoritative figure or two that is. In all ways, the Yemeni Bookworm seeks to defeat such mentalities in all, highly Institutional even, and by presenting the very view and to Yemenis too that, life in all ways even, can be truly lived, and as based around a basic idea too. That in all, any of the Books mentioned in this Blog, can be the very source too, and of a general idea or two, that in many ways even, can very well lead, and to something much greater even, and than one did possibly perceive that is. And with all this and in many a way too, speaking of Yemenis in all, creating a variety of lifestyles too, and from the individual and to the group, from city to country, or even from the secular perhaps, and to the highly religious too. In all ways even, this way of living, the very belief that, a basic or general idea in all, can very well lead to larger things, is truly believed in all again, to be actually true or real, and for Yemen at the very least too that is.



Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.



Resilience by Andrew Zolli.

Enslaved by Ducks


Enslaved by Ducks by Bob Tarte.

When We Were The Kennedy's


When We Were The Kennedy's by Monica Wood.



Integrity by Dr. Henry Cloud.